
We offer several solutions to your health and wellness but first and foremost the service that we perform here is Chiropractic care. This is a fundamental service helping your brain and body communicate the best way possible. Take for instance if you will a safety pin... if the pin is closed then the pathway from the head of the pin to the loop at the bottom and back up is nearly seamless and you can run continuously upon this loop. This is not the case if the pin has been opened. When opened it is like the pin is subluxated. (a term that we at Mi Family use a lot) Subluxation is when two bones are not in the correct alignment (just like the open safety pin) and inherently cause pressure to be placed upon the nervous system either directly or indirectly like by inflammation. A chiropractic adjustment is like putting the pin back into the head and restoring the loop... or in the case of your spinal column we are realigning your vertebra (spinal bones) and taking pressure back off of your nervous system allowing your brain and body to restore their communications.

Along with chiropractic adjustments we have a few additional services that we offer including nutritional supplementation, essential oils, mechanical traction, electro-stimulation for muscle healing, and orthotics for structural balance. Feel free to check out each of these options under our services drop down menu.